Highline goes online with vocal jazz and Christmas favorites
Milford. Listeners will be able to ask members of the quintet questions during this free holiday concert presented by Kindred Spirits Arts Programs.

“In a Holiday Mood,” an online concert featuring New York City’s Highline Vocal Jazz Quintet, will be offered free of charge by Kindred Spirits Arts Programs at 5:30 p.m. on Saturday, Dec. 12.
The group will perform a mix of jazz standards, reimagined pop tunes, and Christmas favorites. The performance will be available at kindredspiritsarts.org, facebook.com/kindredspir, and youtube.com/user/ksprograms1.
Listeners will be able to interact with members of the group. The singers will explain their music choices, talk about their experiences as a group, and answer listeners’ questions via Facebook comments or Youtube chat.
Highline is an a cappella group that performs in a range of styles, from 19th-century hymns to modern jazz to Broadway standards and pop hits. The singers describe themselves as “a contemporary vocal jazz quintet that finds itself at the crossroads between jazz, a cappella, and choral music. (We are) dedicated to a style that combines no-nonsense, high-level musical artistry with an innovative and hip exploration of jazz harmony.”
Their fans have likened them to Manhattan Transfer, but Highline also tips their hat to the vocalese of Lambert, Hendrix and Ross and to Boyz 2 Men. The group’s website is highlinevocaljazz.com.
About Kindred Spirits
Kindred Spirits Arts Programs is a not-for-profit organization of volunteers led by cellist Yosif Feigelson that brings performing artists to northeast Pennsylvania and the tristate upper Delaware River Valley. Kindred Spirits also arranges educational enrichment workshops for high school students; currently, it’s offering those programs online. Visit kindredspiritsarts.org to learn more or to make a donation.
For more information email kindredspir@yahoo.com.