Black Bear Film Festival invites you to Saturday’s great reveal picnic
Milford /
| 18 Aug 2021 | 11:29

An "Artful Bear" celebrates the Oscars (Photo provided)
Milford. Join the Artful Bear Reveal Picnic at the Community House at 201 Broad St. in Milford from 2 to 4 p.m. on Saturday, Aug. 21. The picnic includes a tribute to John DiLeo and the many interviews he has conducted on the Black Bear Film Festival mainstage with “Reel Bear.” DiLeo will discuss the stars pictured on the special Artful Bear, pictured. Meet this artists that will be featured at the festival next month, and, of course, be the first to view the 2021 Artful Bears while enjoying music, games, and free snow cones.