Brian Lynch, challenger for Vernon Township Council
Brian Lynch (Proven Experience Proven Lowered Taxes) is running for Vernon Township Council.

My wife, Renee, and I moved to the Barry Lakes section of Vernon Township in 1990. I was employed by United Parcel Service for 32 years. In 1992, I joined the Highland Lakes Fire Department. I rose to the rank of chief of the Highland Lakes FD in 1999.
In 2007, I was appointed to the Land Use Board. In 2009, I was appointed to fill an empty seat on the Vernon Township Council. After the change in the form of government in 2011 I was elected to the new Faulkner Act form of government, which is still in operation today. This new Council unanimously elected me to serve as Vernon Twp.’s 1st Council President. Things in Vernon were increasingly better because of the positive changes that Pat Rizzuto, the rest of the council, and I immediately implemented.
During my tenure we achieved a ratable base of 3$0 million on the tax rolls. When we took office municipal taxes were extremely high. With the help of smart planning we were able to lower taxes three years in a row. On the fourth year the taxes stayed even, the only time in the history of Vernon’s council that this happened. Taxes have again increased exponentially. Lowering our taxes again will be my first priority on the council.
Also during my tenure, Pat Rizzuto and I established a road repaving plan with the help of grants from the state.
In 2015 I decided not to seek a second term. I retired from UPS and enjoyed traveling with my wife and two dogs to Arizona. Renee and I are so happy to live in Vernon and plan on staying here forever.
The three priorities I have are taxes, government transparency, and the right for every taxpayer to have their voices heard. If elected, I will welcome public comment and will also respond. In the last five years this council has taken steps with ordinance revisions to silence the taxpayer voice. This is un-American and needs to be changed immediately. The way our council meetings are now is not the way a transparent government operates. Our residents are our greatest assets.
Another problem I see is that far too many of the tax dollars are being spent and are being used for non-revenue generating projects. Vernon has many priorities and needs, but tax dollars are being spent on projects that we cannot afford when we have greater needs.
It’s time for a change. Please vote on Nov. 2 for Brian Lynch and Patrick Rizzuto.