Council president abusing authority

| 27 Jul 2015 | 12:41

    When I was elected serve on the town council, there was no stipulation that it be subject to the advice and consent of Council President Patrick Rizzuto. Yet, you continue to follow the footsteps of Mayor Victor Marotta by continually abusing your authority.

    I will continue to do what I believe is right for this town, not what you tell me to do. Do not direct me on who I can speak to, what reports I can request, how I phrase my request, or whom I request them from. Residents expect their elected representatives to ask pertinent questions of professionals and to have all the necessary information available to make the best decisions for Vernon Township.

    The council president is appointed by the council to a 1-year term. To reaffirm your duties and responsibilities as council president, they are merely to; preside over council meetings, sign adopted meeting minutes, call a special meeting with written request of any three council members, and approve the council agenda, nothing more, nothing less.

    Mr. Rizzuto, as an elected official, you have a fiduciary duty and are obligated to be loyal to the residents of this town. Not your friends. Stop wasting my time with your trivial nonsense and join me in representing the residents of Vernon Township.

    Jean Murphy
    Vernon Township Council Member