Township administrator to miss events for treatments

| 19 May 2015 | 02:34

Townshipo Administrator James Doherty revealed on Thursday, May 14, he will be unable to attend certain public events due to cancer treatments.

Doherty also thanked the Committee and staff for all of their support at this time.

The Youth and Government Day will be May 28, and Wantage Day will be May 30.

“I would love to be present, but I can't,” Doherty said.

Mayor Bill Gaechter wished Doherty a speedy recovery.

“I'm sure you're going to be fine,” he said.

Elizabeth Vernon of Queen Bee Apiaries at Armstrong Farm, raised concerns that the $25 local fee was for the same service already covered directly with the county. Specifically, she requested that the local fee be waived for the Medicine Wheel Event held at Lusscroft Farm this past weekend, where 45 vendors participated.

Doherty told the committee the township charge of $25 for food handling inspection certificates duplicated charges already paid to the county. At this time, the county pays for the inspections through the tax base Monday through Friday, or receives fees directly from vendors on weekends.

The committee unanimously voted to waive the Wantage local fees for the food vendors and refund the vendors who had already paid.

Gaechter then said that he had gone with businessman Joe Retz to inspect some valid complaints regarding property maintenance of commercial properties. He had discussed his concerns with Patrick Stefanelli, the township building subcode official, and they, along with the Township Engineer Harold Pellow, will determine how to clean up the township.