TransOptions teaches lesson on energy

| 20 Oct 2014 | 02:02

Kristen Tomasicchio of TransOptions visited Mrs. Synol's seventh-grade Environmental Science class and Mr. Danko's sixth-grade Research Design class at Sussex Middle School on Thursday, Oct. 16.

The Energy presentation focused on renewable and nonrenewable energy around the world. During the “Move It” program the students examined walking as a form of transportation. Tomasicchio started with different sidewalks, taking the students through what makes a pedestrian friendly roadway.

“We as citizens have a right to walk along the roadway,” she said.

The students were presented with different roadways and sidewalks. They had to determine if they were good sidewalks to walk on or if they were not suitable for pedestrians. After discussion and rankings from the students as to what the best sidewalk looks like, the students were taken on a visual sidewalk tour from Annabel’s pizza in Sussex Borough to Sussex Middle School.

Although this sidewalk path is drastically changing, the students were able to examine a walk to school. The presenter was able to get the students to think about how people walk to school and around town. In the research design class, the students will research a local topic such as the sidewalks and paths to school in which they will create a report to present to several community members.