Letter writer presents claims but no facts

| 17 Oct 2014 | 12:06

    According to 18 US Code 2381, treason is defined as "Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere." The long liberal litany list compiled by you, Dr. Donald, does not fulfill any such definition. It is predictable of liberalism, especially in this day of drive-by tidbits of news, that you present 12 claims in your letter but with no facts. How is one to counter such arguments? Are we to allow you to call your fellow citizens treasonous for voting Republican? I think not. The difference, however, between my facts and yours are just that. I will be using facts and data for my arguments, something Democrats loathe.

    You said A vote for a Republican is a vote for Corporatacracy, not a Democracy. Ironically, the Democrats and their leftist agendas are so out of touch with America that at a recent fundraiser during the week of Oct. 5, the president stated that the Republican Party was the party of out-of-touch millionaires. This at a $32,000 per plate fundraiser. Either the man is delusional, clueless, or has no idea how the world works, but such an approach is accepted for liberals, just like how they tell me to not drive a sport utility or carry a gun but they have armed guards and a 10-car caravan.

    Must I write to your claim about the recent Affordable Care Act affording so many jobs and in relation to your corporatacracy statement? The ACA, the pinnacle of Obama and Democrat's achievements, is rife with corporate health kickbacks and was written by and for the health care industry. Its repercussions are only beginning to take hold with an expanded army of centralized policy and decision makers, numerous government employees for the union, and no affordability. The law has resulted in a pool of poor choices that are more expensive for 80 percent of enrollees.

    Global warming? Please stop. It is nothing but a scheme for displaced communists to continue control of everyday citizens and make money, because they don't know how to make money otherwise. Recent scientific publications show an irrefutable cooling trend, record Antarctic ice thickness, an increased knowledge of our Earth's influence by the giant ball of plasma known as the sun, and uncovering of the blatant, criminal manipulation of temperature data by NASA, NOAA, and the United Nations International Panel on Climate Change (UN IPCC) to further push their agenda.

    In recent months, it is evident that illegal immigrants were funded directly by orchestrated media outreach from liberal non-profits based in the U.S. Additionally, it was reported that the Obama administration spent $4 million to provide legal counsel for undocumented, illegal immigrants. Whether mother, father, son, daughter, gangbanger, terrorist, or whatever, they are still illegal, and defense of their status is incomprehensible to me. Your support of such an administration speaks volumes of the Democrat attitude towards the rule of law, which is blatant disregard of it. The administration could be tried for crimes of human trafficking by allowing Mexico to fund the transport of the central American illegals (Chapter 77 of Title 18 US Code, further strengthened by the Trafficking Victims Protection Act (TVPA) of 2000, signed by President George W. Bush).

    Finally, let s look at a local small/medium/large company to see who suffers when liberal Democrats are in power. A company leaves due to excessive government regulations too costly to follow, a new nightmare, government-run health-care law that grants waivers to companies who lobbied properly, EPA regulations that are beyond manageable, meaningful, or relevant; and finally a workforce barely able to compete with the foreign market due to a centralized, liberal, feel-good education system. Why work when we have mortgage leniency and food stamps and unemployment compensation that goes on ad infinitum? This is what is known as liberal trickle-up poverty; an exact replica of over-regulated societies such as Eastern European nations prior to the fall of the wall. It is purposefully driven by the liberals to undermine our U.S. Constitution as well as the freedom of marketplace and freedom of contract.

    Contrast this with the conservative message of work hard, respect peoples earnings, and keep the government out of our business. No one wants dirty air or polluted waters. At the same time we should not allow a government so intrusive that it restricts me from buying a certain type of light bulb or toilet or where I can build my house. And while the Republicans are not free from the corruptness of Washington, I would crawl over broken glass to ensure my vote is cast for a Republican over any Democrat for the reasons and facts stated above.

    Erik Andersen