Council president's behavior bizarre

| 23 Sep 2014 | 04:16

    At the Sussex Borough Council meeting on Sept. 2, Council President Marina Krynicky, gave a prepared speech. Contained, therein, were her derogatory remarks concerning comments I had recently made in articles in the New Jersey Herald on September 2 and 4. She was so offended that she proceeded to speak about herself and her fellow Council mates, excluding Annette Stender and myself. She told the story of how high water/sewer bills prompted her to join the Council. She listed all of her accomplishments and what she had done for the town. She listed the same for her council mates (this excludes myself and Annette Stender). She also, took the opportunity to blast the N.J. Herald and their reporter (who was present). She did say that she had told me previously that she liked what I was doing as the SCMUA liaison. (I am not sure what this has to do with her point.) Neither I nor the Herald Reporter were given an opportunity to rebut.

    This speech was delivered after I had made a notion to have her removed as our council president. I had cited three specific areas Robert's Rules where she had failed to adhere. I also reminded that at our re-organization meeting in January, I had to read from Robert's Rules which stated that you may not make personal attacks on fellow council persons. She and her Council friends were doing this to me at pretty much every meeting.

    I was going to read my rebuttal at the next council meeting on Sept. 16. I thought about it long and hard and concluded that since I thought Councilwoman Krynicky was abusing her position and wasting council's and the public's time (something I am accused of whenever I bring up something that she is not desirous to discuss), was in violation of Robert's Rules and most importantly, my parents taught me that two wrongs do not make a right. Truly the only appropriate place for these comments is in a letter to the editor.

    I, personally, find Councilwoman Krynicky's behavior at Council meetings to be politically driven and very bizarre. To give such a political speech during a meeting when she is running re-election in November is very self-serving. My Herald comments were in connection with the potential sale of the water/sewer system as were the articles and the Councilwoman knows this. I did not say anything regarding anyone's council service resume.

    I tried to have a resolution passed whereby, we would all publicly share any information regarding anything we found that was connected with the potential sale. Councilwoman Krynicky said it could be done during the Committee Reports portion of the meeting. Why then didn't the Councilwoman present the information that she gathered during her private meeting with Aqua (the company looking to purchase our water/sewer system)?

    A portion of the wording of the referendum question is false and misleading to the public. I requested striking the paragraph that basically says that the reason the sale is being proposed is due to health and safety concerns. There is absolutely no basis for this. When asked to see a reporter or something tangible that proves this to be true, there is nothing.

    She made a statement that there's no conspiracy going on here. I never said there was a conspiracy. I will say, something doesn't pass the smell test for me. A member of the public said "if it walks like a duck". Well, you know how the rest goes.

    Linda Masson
    Councilwoman, Sussex Borough